Robeeta Office Time Office

Robeeta Office Time Office


The Purpose section allows administrators to define and manage various reasons for vehicle and visitor entries within the organization. This feature enables the classification of entry purposes into specific categories, such as deliveries, meetings, maintenance, client visits, or other relevant reasons. By categorizing the purpose of each entry, the system provides valuable context for vehicle and visitor movements, enhancing both operational management and security.

  • Add New Purposes:

    Administrators can add new purposes as needed, ensuring the system adapts to the organization's evolving activities.

  • Flexible Purpose Tracking:

    Allows for precise tracking and reporting of the reasons behind each entry, whether for visits or vehicle entries.

  • Detailed Log Creation:

    Helps create comprehensive logs by documenting the purpose of each entry, supporting better analysis of entry patterns.

  • Improved Decision-Making:

    Facilitates informed decision-making through detailed records of entry purposes.

  • Operational Efficiency:

    Enhances operational efficiency by providing accurate documentation of the reasons for entry, supporting activity coordination.

  • Enhanced Security and Access Management:

    Crucial for managing access, coordinating organizational activities, and maintaining a secure environment.

Default Purposes

Additionally, the system includes default purposes that can be utilized for common entry scenarios. These default purposes streamline the process by providing pre-defined categories for frequently encountered reasons, reducing the need for administrators to create new categories for every instance. This feature simplifies the entry process and ensures consistency in recording purposes, while still allowing flexibility to add new purposes as necessary.