Robeeta Office Time Office

Robeeta Office Time Office


The Dashboard module serves as the central hub for accessing key metrics and insights related to vehicle and visitor entry management. This comprehensive view allows administrators and managers to make informed decisions efficiently, ensuring streamlined operations and enhanced security within the organization. The data displayed is tailored to provide a clear overview of all entry activities, ensuring that relevant information is securely shown.

  • Today Vehicle Count: Displays the total number of vehicles that have entered the premises today.

  • Vehicle Count Last 30 Days: Displays the number of vehicles that have entered the premises over the past 30 days.

To enhance data interpretation, the module includes detailed charts that visually represent these metrics. The Dashboard module offers the following features:

  • Vehicle Type Summary: Shows a breakdown of vehicle counts by different vehicle types, providing insights into the variety of vehicles entering the premises.

  • Vehicle Overview: Displays a detailed overview of vehicle entries by date, allowing for easy tracking of vehicle movement trends over time.

  • Visitor Type Summary: Provides a summary of visitor counts categorized by visitor types, such as employees, contractors, guests, and others, offering a clear view of visitor activity.

  • Visitor Overview: Shows a detailed overview of visitor entries by date, enabling administrators to monitor visitor trends and ensure effective visitor management.

  • Meeting Summary: Highlights which visitors met with which persons on specific dates, facilitating an understanding of visitor interactions and meetings within the organization.

The Dashboard module empowers users with actionable insights, facilitating efficient management of vehicle and visitor entries. By leveraging these comprehensive metrics and visual representations, administrators can enhance operational efficiency, ensure accurate record-keeping, and maintain a secure environment within the organization.