Robeeta Office Access

Robeeta Office Access

Leave Requests

Leave requests help facilitate efficient workforce management and support employee satisfaction. 

Administrative Capabilities

  • Edit Access: Administrators can modify employee attendance and leave records.
  • Approve/Cancel Leave Requests: They have the authority to approve or cancel leave requests submitted by employees.
  • Change Leave Type: Administrators can change the leave type available for specific employees, ensuring flexibility and accurate leave management.

User Capabilities

  • Create Leave Requests: Employees can submit leave requests, specifying the type, duration, and reason for their absence, for approval by management.

Leave Request Workflow

  1. Submission: Once a leave request is added, a Telegram alert is sent to the team heads for approval.
  2. Approval or Cancellation: Team heads can either approve or cancel the leave request.
  3. Notification:
    • Approved: If approved, a Telegram alert is sent to the employee stating, "Your leave request has been approved by [Approver's Name]."
    • Cancelled: If canceled, a Telegram alert is sent to the employee stating, "Your leave request has been cancelled by [Approver's Name]."
This process ensures clear communication of the leave request status to employees.
Leave Request Timing
Leave requests are recommended to be raised before the attendance report generation for avoiding LOP deductions and to ensure the report reflects the leave type you requested. 

Steps to Manage Leave Request: 
Navigate to Attendance > Manage Leave Request - click Add to create a new leave request or select an existing request to enter the details page.

Set basic information:
Select leave type, specify leave from and to dates, indicate Full Day or Half Day, and description
Leave Type
Employees can choose from their eligible leave types as per their remaining leave balances, allowing them to manage their available leave efficiently.
Leave from and to date 
Specify the start date and end date of the leave. 
Full Day
Indicate whether the leave is for a full day or a half day.
Provide a brief description or reason for the leave request.  

Note: Data is displayed based on your access level.