Robeeta Office Task

Robeeta Office Task


Manage Status:

  • Navigate to Task > Master > Manage Status

  • Admins can add new task statuses by entering a unique status name and selecting its nature (e.g., open, closed, cancelled).

  • The admin can view, update, or delete existing statuses using the delete button for each status. Duplicate status names are not allowed, ensuring each status is unique.

  • Statuses can't be deleted if they are currently assigned to any tasks.

Manage Priority:

  • Navigate to Task > Master > Manage priority

  • Admins can add new task priorities by entering a unique priority name (e.g., high, medium, low).

  • Just like statuses, priorities can be managed and deleted as needed.

This page helps admins maintain a well-organized system for task management by controlling how statuses and priorities are created and handled.