Robeeta Office - Release Notes

Robeeta Office - Release Notes

Version 22.11.1

📅 Release Date: November 5, 2022

🚀 What's New:

In the Time Office module, we have implemented significant updates.

  • Implemented an Add and Edit page for Vehicle and Visitor Entry.

  • Introduced a Master module for managing vehicle types, visitor types, and locations, providing users with comprehensive control and organization options.

⚡ Improvements:

  • Default location will be loaded.

  • locations can be mapped to users.

  • Added "To meet" option to Visitor Entry.

  • Add Vehicle and Visitor Entry Pages now feature a single page instead of multiple tabs.

📣 Coming Soon:

  • Keep an eye out for our upcoming “Access” Module, allowing users to mark attendance conveniently. This module will streamline attendance tracking processes, enhancing workforce management and efficiency.