Robeeta Office Gallery

Robeeta Office Gallery


Add Image:

  • To add an image, initiate the process by clicking the “Add Image” button situated on the “Manage Image” page.

  • Fig 5.1
  • The “Add Image” page encompasses fields such as category, group, and image details etc. 

  • Image Order: When file ordering is enabled in the selected group, the images will be displayed in the order specified by the order number otherwise not required.

  • To upload the image, choose the file, within the “Files” tab. 

  • Fill the required valid details and click “Update” to save the image.

  • By doing so, the image will be added. 

Add Bulk Image:

  • To add bulk images to the system, initiate the process by clicking the “Add Bulk Image” option from the side menu.

  • The “Add Buk Image” page includes category, group, and attaching multiple files etc. 

  • After selecting the files, it will display the selected files, and you can remove a specific file if necessary.

  • Once you’ve made your selections, click the “Update” button to initiate the upload process. 

  • The images you’ve added will be displayed on the “Manage Image” page, making them accessible and manageable within your system.

Manage Image:

  • Within this section, an all inclusive listing of all images is accessible.(refer Fig 5.1)

  • You can use the Quick Search filter and other filters to find a specific image. After setting your search criteria, click the “Search” button to start the search.

  • This specific page comprehensively provides a detailed overview of all the images that have been added.

Edit Image:

  • To modify the image click the “Edit” icon under the “Option” column on the “Manage Image” page.

  • On the “Edit Image” page, you can modify the details of the image and hit “Update” button to save the changes.

Delete Image:

  • To delete a particular image, click the “Delete” icon.

  • On the “Delete Image” page, type “Delete” and hit “Confirm” to delete the image.