The Call Summary page displays a summary of calls.
Follow these steps to manage the Call Summary:
Select the Call Summary menu from the Report option.
Date filtering options include "Set Dates," "From Date" and “To Date" for precise search capabilities.
The type filter offers versatile advantages, providing summaries such as “Call Summary”, “Call Performance”,”Department Summary” and “Agent Summary” for comprehensive insights.
Selecting Call Summary in the type filter displays incoming and outgoing call metrics, including counts for answered, missed calls and total calls.
Selecting Call Performance in the type filter shows departmental outgoing call metrics, including missed and answered call counts and ratios.
Selecting Department Summary in the type filter displays incoming and outgoing call metrics, including missed, answered call and total calls counts, for all departments.
An additional “Department” filter is available for checking metrics for individual departments as well.
Selecting Agent Summary in type filter displays team metrics, including incoming and outgoing call counts, missed call counts, answered call counts, and total calls.