The Outbound Queue page displays calls queued for customers.
Follow these steps to manage the Outbound Queue:
Select the Outbound Queue menu from the CDR option.
Date filtering options include "Set Dates," "From Date," and “To date" for precise search capabilities.
To find specific Outbound Queue, utilize the Quicksearch and Status filters, then press the "Search" button.
In the Outbound Queue, status indicators include "Open," "Close," "In Progress," and "Timeout."
Agents waiting in the queue are marked with an "Open" status.
When a call is received and an agent engages with a customer, the status transitions to "In Progress."
After the call ends, the status changes to "Close."
If the allocated wait time is exceeded, the status becomes "Timeout."
By clicking the Tag icon, a form named Outbound Queue-View is opened, displaying details of Outbound Queue for the specific call.