Robeeta Office Smarter Call - User Manual

Robeeta Office Smarter Call - User Manual

9.2 Manage Department

Add Department:

  • Select the Add Department menu, from the Manage Department option.

  • On the "Info" Tab, Tab, Enter the name of the Department and Telegram Group GUID.

  • Enabling the "Sent Missed Call Alert" checkbox, you'll receive Telegram notifications whenever there's an Outgoing call.

  • Fig 9.2.1
  • In the "Phone" Tab, Departments have the option to be linked with a single Cloud Number or multiple Cloud Number.

  • Fig 9.2.2
  • After filling in the required valid details, click “Update" to save.

Manage Department:

The Manage Department page lists the Departments thus added.

Follow these steps to Manage the Departments:

  • Select the Manage Department menu, from the Admin option.

  • In this section, you will find field featuring “Search", “Checkbox" and “Edit" functionality.

  • Fig 9.2.3
  • Selecting the checkbox displays active department, while deselecting it shows inactive department.

  • In order to find a particular Department, you can use the Quicksearch filter, then hit the “Search" button

Edit Department:

  • You can edit the field by clicking the Tag icon.

  • On the Edit Department page, you can modify the Department Name, Telegram Group GUID, Send Missed Call Alert, Cloud Number.

  • You have the option to enable or disable a Department using the Enable Toggle.

  • In the “Event Log Tab", changes made in Edit Department are recorded with modification dates and descriptions.

  • Fig 9.2.4
    Fig 9.2.5
    Fig 9.2.6
  • Click “Update” button to save the changes.

Note: To Enter Telegram Group Guid and receive alert on Telegram, You have to verfiy your Telegram Group. Click here for the Telegram Group Verification