Robeeta Office - User Manual

Robeeta Office - User Manual

Manage Upcoming Visit

This section functions as the central hub for overseeing and modifying all previously added upcoming visit entries, enabling users to edit and add visitor details seamlessly.

Follow these steps to manage upcoming visit entries:

  • From the “Visitor” menu, select “Manage Upcoming Visit” page.

  • In this section, you will find locations featuring “Search”, “Edit” and “Add Visitor” functionality.

  • To find a specific upcoming visit entry, use the search filters and hit “Search” to get results.

  • To modify the particulars of a upcoming visit entry, users can click on the “Tag” or “Edit” icon on the respective row.

  • This action will redirect them to the “Edit Upcoming Visit” page, where you can make the required alterations to the upcoming visit details.

  • After making the changes, you can save them by clicking the “Update” button, ensuring the updated information is recorded.

  • To add the visitor entry for a specific upcoming visit click on the “Add” icon under “Option” column.

  • Fill in all the required details for the visitor. Click the “Update” button to successfully add the visitor entry.