Robeeta Office - User Manual

Robeeta Office - User Manual

Manage Task

All tasks assigned to the user will be managed here.

Follow these steps to manage tasks:

  • From the “Task” menu, select “Manage Task”.

  • On the “Manage Task”  page, you can find all the data in rows and filters with “Search” options, and each row has the “Edit”.

  • By default, the manage page gives you a list of all open tasks, you can change it by changing the status filter and then clicking “Search”.

  • By clicking the “Edit” icon over the task row, you can update the status, task holder name, and add follow-ups with attachments, then click “Update” to save your changes.

  • On the “Edit Task” page, the followup tab contains all the details of the task.

Attachment Tab

Log Tab