Robeeta Office - User Manual

Robeeta Office - User Manual

Add Task

With this option, you can assign a task to the user and follow their progress.

Follow these steps to add a task:

  • Select the “Add Task” menu from the “Task” option.

  • On the “Add Task” page, fill out the task details, due task date, and name of the task holder, then click “Update”.

  • Task created with open status, you can change the status of the task in “Edit Task”.

  • Additionally, it contains the LockTaskHolder option, which locks the task to its holder when it is open.

  • Lock can be released only by the owner.

  • Once the task has been added, a telegram alert will be sent to the task holder.

  • Once a task's status has been changed to Closed Nature, you should not be able to edit the task.

Note: The drop-downs are only visible once the “Master” menu has been updated.