Robeeta Office - User Manual

Robeeta Office - User Manual

Manage Sale Lead

All the leads added will be managed here.

Follow these steps to manage sales leads:

  • From the "Sales" menu, select "Manage Sale Lead"

    Fig 5.4.1
  • In this section, you will find all the sale lead details featuring "Search", "Export Excel" and "Edit" functionality.

  • To get all the sale lead details in an easy-to-view spreadsheet, tap on the "Export Excel" button.

  • To search for a particular sale lead, enter some of the details of the sale lead and click “Search” to get an instant result.
  • You can edit any sale lead by clicking the "Edit" icon.

  • On the “Edit Sale Lead” page, you can make changes to the sale lead by adding follow-up and then hit “Update” to save the changes.

    Fig 5.4.2
  • In the “Follow Up” tab, you can add multiple posts for each open sale lead.

    Fig 5.5.3
  • The “Attachment” tab contains all the attachments you have added to a sale lead. Here you can delete them as needed.

    Fig 5.5.4