Robeeta Office - User Manual

Robeeta Office - User Manual

Manage User

The "Manage User" page lists the users mapped to the current organization.

Follow these steps to manage users:

  • From the "Admin" menu, select "Manage User".

  • In this section, you will find users featuring "Search" and "Edit" functionality.

  • In order to find a particular user, you can use the filters Username, Email, Mobile, Policy Group and Is Enabled, then hit the "Search" button.

  • You can edit the details of a particular user by clicking the "Edit" icon.

  • On the “Edit User” page, you can modify the user details and hit "Update" to save the changes.

  • Policy can be added to the user in addition to the policies from the Policy Group.

  • Log list will be shown in the Log Tab.