Robeeta Office Access - User Manual

Robeeta Office Access - User Manual


The Admin menu includes: Company, Location, Department, Designation, Employee, Device, and Device User Access masters.

This menu will be available only for admins and owner.


Manage Company:

The “Manage Company” section displays a list of companies within the organization.

Follow these steps to manage the companies:

  • Select the “Manage Company” option, from the “Admin” menu.

  • In this section, you will find company featuring “Search” and “Edit” functionality.

  • In order to find a particular company, you can use the Company filter, then hit the “Search” button.

  • You can edit the details of the particular company by clicking the “Tag” icon.

Edit Company:

  • The “Edit Company” page allows for modifications to your company's name in the “Company name” field.


  • The “Max Time In” setting enables employees to mark their attendance within a designated timeframe.

  • The “Attendance Mode” provides specifics on the utilized attendance tracking method.

  • Activating the “Telegram Alert” feature will issue a Telegram notification if attendance is not recorded by all employees by the specified “Max Time In”. Additionally, it sends a Telegram message containing the list of absentees to the designated Telegram group.

  • The “Active” option is available to activate or deactivate the company.

Note: To receive alerts on Telegram, you have to verify your Telegram account. Click here for the Telegram Bot Verification.


Add Location:

Follow these steps to add a location:

  • Select the “Manage Location” option, from the “Admin” menu.

  • On the “Manage Location” page, you can find “Add Location” button.

  • The “Add Location” page consists of Company, Location name, Geolocation and Max radius.

  • This offers users the ability to set a maximum radius for a location, which allows them to mark their attendance within a designated area.

  • By configuring this feature, through the Robeeta Office app users can ensure that their attendance is recorded only when they are within the specified radius of the designated workplace.

  • Enter the required valid details and click “Update” to save the Location.

Manage Location:

The “Manage Location” page lists the locations which are accessible by the login user.

Follow these steps to manage the locations:

  • Select the “Manage Location” option, from the “Admin” menu.

  • In this section, you will find locations featuring “Search”, “Edit” and “Delete” functionality.

  • In order to find a particular location, you can use the Quick Search filter, then hit the “Search” button.

  • You can edit the name of a particular location by clicking the “Edit” icon.

  • On the “Edit Location” page, you can modify the details of the location and hit “Update” to save the changes.(refer Fig 3.2.1)

    Fig 3.2.1

    Fig 3.2.2
  • To delete a particular location, click the “Delete” icon.

  • On the Delete Location page, type “Delete” and hit “Confirm” to delete the location.(refer Fig 3.2.2)

Note: The same process is repeated for the “Department” and “Designation” masters.